Organic !
What Is Organic ?
Part II

    Eating organic food generates connotations as being virtuous and healthy. The implication is that the food is just plain better for you and by eating it you will be the better for it.

    The whole idea of organic means produce without pesticides and chemicals; animals with no injected hormones; and foods grown without synthesized fertilizers. This is what organic is supposed to be. However, as you found out last time, there is a whole lot of variation in the type of "organic label" you see printed on your produce, bottle of ketchup, and meat and eggs you buy. Consumers read much more into an "organic" label than they should.

    The organic label " a process certification, not a product certification," according to Mike Hamm who is professor at Michigan State University of sustainable agriculture. He says, "It says nothing about the quality of the product, its freshness or its nutritional value." Yet people assume it has higher nutrients and eating this type of food imparts some sort of mystical one upmanship on conventional foods.

    When you consider the cost for organic food, it is 30 to 50 percent higher than foods that are conventional. That part is no mystery.

    The verdict is still out on whether conventional food is less nutritious and thus less healthy for you than organic food. People eating organic food feel that it is safer to eat than conventional food. But is it? We found out some of the answer to that in the last article concerning organic food.

    Organic food tends to have less pesticides than conventional foods; yet, scientists are not quite sure how harmful they are to the body. In 2003, Environmental Working Group looked at the data from the USDA for conventional foods and found that certain produce had the most pesticides and certain other produce had the least, or possibly none at all.

    Those conventional produced foods with the most pesticides included:

  1. Peaches,
  2. Nectarines,
  3. Strawberries,
  4. Bell peppers and,
  5. Spinach.

    Certain conventional vegetables, because of their natural heartiness or how they are grown, tend to have the least pesticides. They are:

  1. Broccoli,
  2. Mangos,
  3. Bananas,
  4. Asparagus.

    There is no general consensus as to how harmful those pesticides are to humans. A professor of food science at Rutgers University contends that the pesticides in foods are too minuscule to cause harm to the human body and besides, they are flushed out the body by the liver. However, other experts dispute this. And many shoppers don't want to ingest the risk.

    Our stand on this is that you are not going to be able to avoid pesticides, whether you eat Conventional or Organic. What's one to do? Help your liver out---that's what. Take Silibinnin, N-acetyl cysteine (NAC), and Alpha-lipoic acid with biotin, several times daily. Also ingest a complete B-complex high in choline and inositol, both lipotropics.

What Else
  Is In Organic ?

     If you eat natural or organic, do you really improve you food quality and sequester nutritional problems? Not much. Why? New research shows conventional as well as organic food is more often than not contaminated with rocket fuel, depending on what part of the U.S. it came from. That food from the Western states has been shown to contain perchlorates. The reason is because of water contamination with perchorate--an ingridient of rocket fuel, and is found in organic milk as well as conventional milk. It is also found in lettuce. And it may be in tomatoes, carrots, cantaloupe, and spinach.

    Perchlorate has been found, according to the National Academy of Sciences, in 35 states, and some 11 million plus persons have it in their drinking water.

    What is one of the most undiagnosed maladies in America today, even with tests? Thyroid dysfunction, according to numerous authorities. Well, the "stuff" affects the thyroid and retards children's development. Organic milk was found to have the highest levels of the "stuff." Pregnant women are advised to be wary of perchlorate as well as susceptible individuals, including children, cautions University of California at Irvine, scientist, Ronal Shank.

    The "stuff" got into the water supply by leaking from old rocket-fuel plants and by being dumped into the Colorado River which sends its water to a number of Western states. Organic as well as Conventional farms get the "stuff."

    One thing, reported in Science News, august 12, 2006, Vol. 170, that perchlorate does is masculinize fish. The "stuff" is a pollutant, turning up often in "soil and water." They write:
"In dozens of studies, it has perturbed thyroid-hormone concentrations, which can affect growth and neurological development. Data from fish now indicate that perchlorate can also disrupt sexual development."

    Ann Cheek of the University of Texas Health Sciences Center at Houston, says: It appears that perchlorate "is acting like an androgen, which is a male-sex hormone.

    Christopher W. Theodorakis from Southern Illinois University in Edwardsville, contends a new role may exists for thyroid hormones, that is brought about by perchlorate---masculinization.

    A thyroid endocrinologist at the University of Massachusetts in Amherst, feels "This paper (August issue 2006 of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry) may be telling us there's more to perchlorate---and its effects on the thyroid---than we'd realized..."

The Burgeoning
  Organic Movement

    The organic movement has now taken off so fast that many companies are vying for organic product availability. For example mainstream supermarkets such as The Kroger Company, Safeway Inc., and SuperValu Inc., which owns Albertson's LLC, sell their own in house organic brands. Now that organic foods are a 15 billion dollar plus and climbing industry, more conventional food growers and suppliers are getting in on the organic movement. are the one that will be hurt. Why, the biggest seller of organic milk is Walmart, Inc. They have announced plans for doubling their exposure of organic food sales.

    Because of all this, organic farms can't keep up to the demand and this is causing manufactures to outsource their demands. They are scouting for ingredients outside the United States. They are looking in Bolivia, Venezuela, South Africa, China and Europe.

The Problem   

    The Weston A. Price Foundation in its Action Alert February 28, 2005, writes:
"Now that organic agriculture is a $15 billion industry and growing, it is squarely in the crosshairs of multinational corporations. Major food manufacturers are entering organic production, cutting corners, inflating prices, and endangering the integrity of organic agriculture (factory farms, nonorganic inputs, and imported ingredients with questionable certification.

"Some large corporations, along with a complacent USDA, have become masters at creating loopholes for corporate organic farming, such as:
  • Importing vegetables or feed grains from Third World countries without USDA site certification visits.
  • Raising chickens without access to the outdoors.
  • Including unapproved preservatives in products.
  • Buying replacement dairy heifers shot-up with antibiotics and from nonorganic sources.
  • Operating a factory farm with 70,000 chickens or 5000 cows.
"Organic Factory Farms?

"After years of inaction, the USDA's National Organic Program has recently been forced to address a number of large, industrial dairy farms---without adequate pasture that are producing "organic" milk. These factory farms range in size from approximately 3000 to 4000 cows and are basically confinement feedlots without legitimate access to pasture for feed and exercise, as required by the federal organic regulations. Milk from most of these mega-farms is being distributed by Dean/Horizon, the largest milk bottler in the United States, and under a number of private-label brands that are available at natural food and conventional grocers.", March 2005, writes:
"The USDA found that imported organic produce also found that imported organic produce tested from 1994 to 2002 had pesticide residue that posed relative health risk six times greater than residues found on domestic organic samples."
    Not all organic produce is safe!

    Dr. Joe Mercola ( says "...many experts...are concerned Wal-Mart will become a highly negative force for the organic food movement. Because Wal-Mart has a major history of abusive practices...." He further writes: "...outsourcing food from China, where organic enforcement standards are close to non-existent," could destroy the small organic farmer.

Organic Milk
  Is It Worth The Cost ?

    Organic milk can cost twice the price of conventional milk. But research doesn't really show health benefits increase when drinking organic milk compared to conventional. And this is for any segment in our population.

    There are four requirements as defined by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, before milk producers can call it organic:
  • Bovine Growth Hormone. Milk labeled as "USDA Organic" must come from cows that have not had bovine growth hormone (BGH) injections to increase their milk supply. The arguments just on BGH abound. Some claim, because of experiments, that this hormone has caused hormone-related tumors/cancers. Others further claim that BGH increases IGF-1 or insulin-like growth factor which has been linked to cancer.

    However, on the other side of the coin, it is known that when cows are treated with BGH, the hormone is destroyed in the digestive tracts of those who drink this milk, according to Dale Bauman, a professor with Cornell University in the animal science department. The acid and enzymes in people's stomach and small intestine dismantle this protein or amine hormone.

    Furthermore, the authors of this article wonder why the furor when growth hormone is species specific! Cow growth hormone does not work in man and man's growth hormone does not work in cows, sheep, pigs, and the like, or vice versa.

    If this were the case, then all the professional and elite athletes would be getting the less expensive cow growth hormone and more athletes would be taking it, as opposed to the more expensive Human Growth Hormone (HGH). Remember! The key word here is species specific.

  • No Antibiotics. Milk that is labeled as "USDA Organic" must have no antibiotics present. This does not mean that the cow never had been given antibiotics. If the cow becomes sick and needs antibiotics, it is removed from the production line and that milk is not used as organic. She is not returned to the herd for 12 months. Also, if an organic, so-called cow, dies and is replaced with one that has been in a regular conventional herd with antibiotics, this cow too, is not deemed "cleaned" until tests show it no longer has antibiotics in its system.

    Even in conventional herds, cows given antibiotics are not allowed to have their milk sold until tests show antibiotic-free milk.

    As you can see, from just these two bases alone, it is argued that the only difference from conventional milk to organic milk is the price.

    We suggest if you have the extra money to pay double for all your food and that type of food makes you feel better psychologically---then by all means continue doing what you have been doing. However, soon, and we mean very soon, you will wish you had put your money in Gold and Silver, Exercise, Some guns--see our Gun Page--and eat conventionally grown foods.

    When the huge drop comes in the dollar, the pain will be enormous...for all of us! Oh...Get some food storage also.

  • No Pesticides. This requirement is one of the first echoed by the average segment of the population. Cows' feed must be raised without pesticides and the pastured animals on pasture with no pesticide-treated grass. The USDA reports recently said that non-organic milk may contain low levels of certain types of pesticides but these are much below the established norm. Also, note that ground water is contaminated with acceptable levels of chemicals. You may have milk low in/free of pesticide residues, but you are still getting chemicals in your drinking water unless you have a small reverse osmosis plant in your home water supply. Still, food and water, stored in plastics, often communicate to your human system chemicals leached out of the bottles they come in.

  • Access To Pasture. The average consumer takes this to mean a cow that continuously munches on grass and/or hay. The wording, some experts contend--not so by the government, is ambiguous. The standard now applied does not specify a certain length of time for each cow in pasture. The cow can be there only for a short time daily and still have its milk certified as organic. There just isn't that much pasture left in the United States and much pasture land in certain areas is now devastated by drought. The cows are fed grain. And this spurs another argument as to grain-fed vs. grass-fed. Which produces the most conjugated linoleic acid (CLA)? It is pretty much even, except that cows fed grain, grass, and other foodstuffs have higher CLA. This conjugated fat may protect against cancer and help lose weight. CLA fights against muscle wasting.

What's Coming   

    More on this drought: Not only are the Western states hit hard for water from the drought; but, the entire North American continent as well. "It is estimated that 77 percent of Texas' hay production has been lost. As of August 15, Oklahoma had an 80% poor to very poor pasture and range rating-making the state tied for the worst conditions in the lower 48 states."---Read more of this from the website: Devastation Looms As United States Economy Implodes.

    Most American citizens do not know how bad the drought is. In fact, the drought is occurring world-wide...."...World's Nations are reporting similar catastrophic collapses in their ability to produce food, and where China has just released the horrific figures from their drought, and as we can read as reported by the Reuters News Service in their article titled 'Millions of tonnes of grain lost in China drought....'"

    We are now in our final warnings: Get your preparations for food and water in hand now! And some means of physically protecting them. Remember! Above all things, you can only own what you can physically protect---and this is coming soon. When this goes down, we won't care about organic, conventional, or anything else: Only that we have something to eat and something to defend ourselves with against the bitter cold of The Total Collapse of our monetary system, because of the ensuing chaos.

    As I said in the last update (August 1, 06; issue #72):
I advise my patients--know the facts. Let the buyer beware. For good health, I advise supplements, the freshest food you can get in the purest state. Avoid polyunsaturated oils and garner those oils instead from the foods you eat, such as corn, flax seed, whole grains and nuts. Avoid soy in any form except miso, soy sauce and other fermented soy foods. Use these condiments in moderation. Use coconut oil, real butter and a little olive oil.
    If you want organic foods, try and find a local who has a few cows, goats, chickens---all free-range, and buy from him. We are going to go back to local farming When the Hell is Over. We will have learned a bitter, valuable, how soon we forget.

[See "Organic: What Is Organic" (First Article In This Two-Part Series)]

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